Father Brown has been one of Britain’s most popular light detective dramas since 2013, and this year’s season nine leads to a milestone to which many shows only aspire…its 100th episode. The stories are pure cozy fun with a cast that seems meant for their parts, including Mr. Weasley himself Mark Williams as the ever-lovable, ever-devoted, and ever-nosy Father Brown peddling about on his trusty bicycle dubbed Bucephalus after Alexander the Great’s war horse. Mrs. McCarthy (Sorcha Cusack), always coiffed in a fashionable hat whether indoors or out, is back with her iconic critical retort and award winning scones, and the bumbling Inspector Mallory (Jack Deam) continues to get it wrong, while the competent Sergeant Goodfellow (John Burton) tries to right the ship. There are some delightful surprises! Sid Carter (Alex Price) showed up, but no explanation as to what happened to the woman he went off with, and Lady Felicia (Nancy Carrol) again graces Kimbleford along with Hercule Flambeau (John Light), and Penelope “Bunty” Windermere (Emer Kennedy) speeds in late in the season. The gang’s all here, but with so many missing and then popping in for a bow, I feared a season ten was in question. However, a recent report indicates season ten will air late 2022 to early 2023! Thank Heaven!