Everything’s coming up Micah. He’s got a job, got a girlfriend, and when his mother goes back to Nigeria, a house. His elder brother Malachi is on the outs with their mother, she disapproves of the way his life has gone. “How come,” she asks, “Micah can keep in line but you have to go haywire?”
Yet all is not as it seems. Micah’s success is both illusory and fragile, and as the film unfolds it becomes clear just how complicated his situation has become.
Micah is played by television regular Daniel Kaluuya, a confident swagger in an immaculate suit. He’s not high on the corporate ladder though, doorstepping in supra-London neighbourhoods to persuade people to switch their telecoms provider. His boss (and girlfriend) Jenny is a well kept secret from his disapproving mother, and the target-busting techniques of his colleague Ashmead are themselves a secret from Jenny.
Reviewed by: Andrew Robertson (Eye for Film)